Start A Company in Germany: The Ultimate Guide

Are you considering to start a company in Germany? If so, you’re at the right place with the ultimate guide to help you. Starting a company can seem overwhelming, especially when navigating foreign markets. Here, we will provide an easy-to-use guide with
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Benefits of Expanding into Portugal

Business owners who intend to expand their ventures to European countries often consider places like Germany, France, or Belgium. While such countries do feature good business environments and stable markets, they don’t offer all the perks that expanding a business to places
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How to set up a Company in Italy

Find out how to set up your company in Italy, a great location in the heart of Europe, with a flourishing market economy, a skilled workforce, and a renowned talent for design that can help your business thrive in a market. Italy’s
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Cultural Adaptation for International Businesses

When thriving, businesses will consider expanding beyond their home borders and exploring new markets, for example in Europe. With its diverse and rich culture, Europe is the ideal destination for business growth and it offers several opportunities for continued success. Whether you choose
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Top Tips on Expanding Your Business to Spain

Spain is often considered as one of Europe’s most culturally rich and diverse countries. This reputation has made it one of the continent’s top tourist destinations. After all, who wouldn’t want to visit an exotic country with a Mediterranean climate, low crime
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What to consider from a legal perspective when opening a company in Germany

Anyone who wants to open a company in Germany, or in fact any jurisdiction, has a lot to plan and organize in advance. In addition to a business plan with the business idea and an investment plan, discussions with a professional service
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EU backs watered-down labour plan for Uber and Deliveroo workers

EU directive allows member states to decide when a gig worker should count as an employee. European Union countries reached a deal that would keep key decisions in the hands of member states, breaking a deadlock over plans for workers’ rights in
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United Kingdom – Corporate Taxes Summary

Resident companies are taxable in the United Kingdom on their worldwide profits (subject to an opt-out for non-UK PEs), while non-resident companies are subject to UK corporation tax on the trading profits attributable to a UK PE, the trading profits attributable to
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Tax Faculty supplements ICAEW’s Spring Budget 2024 representations by writing to government on HMRC service performance and VAT simplification.

On 29 January 2024, ICAEW Head of Tax Strategy, Frank Haskew, sent two letters to the Financial Secretary to the Treasury (FST), Nigel Huddleston MP.   The first letter concerned HMRC service performance. It called for increased investment in HMRC to develop better digital
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